Monday, 24 November 2014

Peter Smithson: conversations with students : a space for our generation

Generally this text was a lot easier to read. The style in which the text had been formatted made it a lot easier to convey what was being said. Due to the text being in an interview format, it became lighter hearted; I found I could relate to him and the text a lot more. The images throughout the text also broke it up, making it less daunting as an overall read.
With relation to the content, I found it very interesting. It was good to see someone else’s opinion. Looking at the second question within the text, it was interesting to see how Peter has developed his work with the influence of the history of architecture. He almost goes against the question by speaking about how architecture has always been so ahead of its time, you could hardly call it history.
I found myself relating to the text the further I read on with the name ‘Any Warhol’ being mentioned. Warhol was one of my strong influences within my art as a child. I studied Fine Art at A-Level also, and had previously shown a huge interest in his work.
In the next section of the text the interview looked at the viewpoints of minimalist art movement. This section of the text I found interesting although, compared to the first section, I didn’t find it as engaging and interesting. The questions asked by students, however, I could relate closer to. They talk about use of space which is something I have studied within my course at university.
Overall this has by far, been my favourite of the readings so far. I found it a lot easier to extract information from the text and to directly relate to the text myself.

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